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Helical Former is manufactured by a family owned and proudly British company based in the South of England.

We took the principals of Hooke’s Law, and engineered the most compact, efficient and revolutionary helical forming machines ever. That meant re-imagining every element to make it not only safer and more economical, but crucially, able to produce accurate helical segments for a more discerning marketplace.


The result is more than just a helical former. It’s the future of helical forming.

Fast | Accurate | Economical | Safe

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Helical Former is the brain child of Duncan McGregor CEnv  FIMMM,  CEng FICE (Chartered Civil Engineer), who has a near boundless energy for simple, resilient, reliable and cost effective engineering solutions to complex problems. Duncan will tell you that the Helical Former was his Eureka! moment. Our Clients worldwide tend to agree. 

No two client requirements are the same and the beauty of the Helical Former is that the core principal and design is versatile and adaptable to meet almost any application. 

What makes us different, is we have a genuine interest in our clients, their vision, goals and their successes. Tell us what you need, what you want and we will work with you to produce the perfect solution.

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